Mini air movers / carpet dryer have been gaining popularity for the past several years due to their multi-purpose appliation capabilities, compact size, price, and lightweight form thats not only easy to transport but also easy to store.
- Extremely efficient motor construction and air mover fan operation allow for extremely low amp draws on all speed settings.
- Blows air at 3 separate speed settings for customizable drying per job setting.
- 30' power cord easily winds around the cord wrap located on the top of the blower.
- 4 operating angles allow you to blow air across the ground, at a 45° angle, and straight up into the air.
- Comes with a lifetime warranty on the housing, and a 3 year warranty on parts & motor.
- Stackable for easy storage
- Ergonomically designed carrying handle and for mains cable wrap, keeping it neat and tidy during storage.
Air Mover, Carpet Dryer, Floor Dryer, Turbo blower, floor blower, carpet blower, air dryer, air dancer blowr, infatable blower, plastic portable blower, Pet dryers
Model | Power (hp) | V/Freq. (V/Hz) | Airflow (CFM) | Speed (RPM) |
H | M | L | H | M | L |
GAM06-1/3 | 1/3hp | 115/60 | 1180 | 1080 | 980 | 1090 | 980 | 880 |
GAM06-1/2 | 1/2hp | 115/60 | 1210 | 1150 | 1050 | 1130 | 1040 | 960 |
GAM06-3/4 | 3/4hp | 115/60 | 1750 | 1550 | 1450 | 1650 | 1450 | 1350 |
GAM06-1/2 | 1/2hp | 230/50 | 1480 | 1370 | 1220 | 1380 | 1280 | 1180 |
GAM06-3/4 | 3/4hp | 230/50 | 1550 | 1450 | 1310 | 1430 | 1330 | 1230 |
Adjustable Angle of airflow(o) | Current (A) | Blade/Wheel | N.W (kg) | Packing (cm) |
H | M | L |
0/15/45/90 | 3.4 | 2.7 | 2.2 | Metal / plastic | 12 | 47x44x47 |
0/15/45/90 | 5.4 | 3.5 | 2.7 | Metal / plastic | 12.5 | 47x44x47 |
0/15/45/90 | 7.5 | 7.2 | 6.5 | Metal / plastic | 13 | 47x44x47 |
0/15/45/90 | 2.2 | 2 | 1.8 | Metal / plastic | 12.5 | 47x44x47 |
0/15/45/90 | 2.9 | 2.2 | 1.9 | Metal / plastic | 13 | 47x44x47 |
Applications of Air Mover / Carpet Dryer fan blower

Air Mover, Carpet Dryer, Floor Dryer, Turbo blower, floor blower, carpet blower, air dryer, air dancer blowr, infatable blower, plastic portable blower, Pet dryers forfor the water damage contractors and flood restoration professionals.