Why precision Air-conditioning with EC Fan for technology rooms?
The unique nature of load in these areas demands special equipment, which needs to be highly reliable and capable of maintaining precise levels of temperature and humidity, air cleanlinessand proper air distribution.
Comfort cooling systems which are designed to run 8-12 hours a day cannot provide stable environments of 20-25 ºC Temperature with a relative humidity of 40 to 55% all round the year. The equipment's in technology rooms generate quantities of heat in small areas – nearly 6 to 10 times the heat density of normal office space-this demandsprecision AC system which can deliver precise temperature and humidity.
To maintain precisetemperature and humidity in technology rooms, specific engineers manufactures technology rooms air conditioners with features:
Designed to operate 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year non-stop – with scroll compressors.
Equiped with in-built fail – safe electrode type humidifier accurately control the humidity.
Delivers higher air qty to meet be high sensitive heat generated by the equipment in the server rooms.
Equipped with microprocess based control system to meet the fast active demands of temperature and humidity of precise air conditioners.