Energy-saving EC centrifugal fans in fan coils-Fan convector
Now Energy-saving EC Centrifugal Fans with EC Motor have become a popular option with Fan Coils (Fan Convector) and research at advanced air. Because the EC motors integrated into the fans also work with great efficiency, they consume substantially less energy than conventional AC drives.
However, these potential energy savings are realized not only when operated under full load, but also primarily when operated under a partial load, i.e. when the speed is controlled on-demand to correspond to the current temperature requirement. EC motors then lose far less efficiency than asynchronous motors with the same output. There EC Fan will reduce electrical consumption by 50% but applying Demand and Occupancy dependant fan speed control can take the savings to as much as 80%.
EC Centrifugal Fan with EC motors allow the speed of the fans within a Fan Coil Unit to be controlled by means of a 0-10 Volt input 'Signal' to the motor/s. Up to a signal voltage of 1.0 Volts (which may vary with different fan / motor manufacturers) the fan will be in a stopped condition but as the signal voltage is increased, the fan will seamlessly increase in speed until the maximum is reached at a signal Voltage of 10 Volts. Fan Coils will generally operate between approximately 4 Volts and 7.5 Volts because below 4 Volts the air volumes are ineffective and above 7.5 Volts the Fan Coil is likely to be too noisy for most commercial applications.
In areas of the world where there are ncreasing energy costs and legal regulations contribute to the fact that the comprehensive consideration of buildings in terms of their efficiency is playing a bigger and bigger role. High energy savings potential can be attained if the right technology is used in ventilation and air-conditioning technology such as for climate control systems where the fans run almost around the clock. There all requirements for Fan Coils (such as the UK), EC Fan Coil Units are rapidly becoming the only choice.
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